

How to choose a diving suit?


1. The independent variable of diving environment and the dependent variable of diving suit. 
Starting with the function and function of the diving suit, because the main function of the diving suit is to keep warm, the thickness of the diving suit is determined by the water temperature in the sea area. 
Generally speaking, the thickness of 0.5mm-3mm can be chosen when the water is warmer. 
Cooler water temperature requires wet diving suits of 5mm or above; style selection is also determined by diving environment, such as water temperature, species of marine life, etc. 
2, diving suit purchase skills, try to determine the size is very important. 
Check to see if there is some room left after putting it on, and if you can wear another piece of clothing inside, it will not keep you warm; if you feel difficulty breathing when trying on, the zipper is easy to slip, and the sleeves and trouser legs are too short, these indicate that the diving suit is too small. 
3, diving suit purchase tips, fabric selection is very important. 
Neoprene is commonly known as diving material, and its Chinese name is neoprene. 
Generally speaking, they are synthetic rubber foam with delicate, soft and elastic feel, with the characteristics of shockproof, heat preservation, elasticity, waterproof, airtight and so on. 
Good weather resistance, ozone aging resistance, self-extinguishing, good oil resistance, excellent tensile strength, elongation and elasticity. 
The SCUBAPRO diving suit is made of water-soluble glue and does not harm the environment. 
4. the misunderstanding of the purchase of diving suits, many people think that the more expensive a diving suit is, the better, but they do not realize that the differences in physique, shape and preferences of each person determine the factors that affect the purchase. 
Therefore, it is necessary to consult professionals or access the Internet to obtain data and information before purchase. 
5. Generally speaking, the maintenance of diving suits is less than one more-less folding, less pulling, less exposure and more cleaning.